Saturday, August 30, 2008

John McCain Picks Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential Running Mate

John McCain (72) has announced today that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (44) is his vice presidential running mate on the eve of the Republican National Convention. Palin is a self-styled gun packing hockey playing mother of five children, and political reformer, who has been governor of her state less than two years.
McCain picked Palin in an attempt to appeal to the disenfranchised Hillary Clinton supporters, and women who
make up the majority of voters in the United States. If McCain is elected President, Palin will be the first woman Vice President, making history.
Palin is a brilliant pick. Unlike the arrogant first woman Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who wanted a jet as big as Air Force One to fly around and promote her book, Palin saved her state hundreds of thousands of dollars by getting rid of the private governor jet to fly commercial
airlines, drives herself around without security staff, and she has reformed Alaska’s state government. She’s humble, hard working, and honest, and unlike Obama, Palin has executive experience as a state governor. Palin also has a nearly 90% approval rate by voters in her state.

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